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(adb) is a tool that lets you manage the state of an emulator instance or Android phone. ADB is bundled with Android SDK package that can be downloaded from Android SDK download page. This tool is usefull for communicating with Android phone such as install application, copy files from/to device and perform some linux shell commands.
Download and install (Ex:jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe)
Download package (Ex:android-sdk_r06-windows.zip) Extract SDK package into anywhere on your drive (Ex: D:\android-sdk-windows) Phone SetupIn order to use ADB, you have to enable USB Debugging option in phone settings (Settings->Applications->Development)
New Android SDK puts adb executable file on \platform-tools directory instead of tool. So the path should be D:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
1. Check connected phone
Syntax: adb devices
2. Login to Android shell
Syntax: adb shell
If you get ‘#’ after typing adb shell, you are already get root access on the phone, no need to type su. Otherwise if you get ‘$’ , type ‘su’ to get root access (only for rooted device).
3. Some usefull shell commands
Syntax: ls [path]
#ls /system/lib
Syntax: cp [options] source dest
To copy or delete files in Android root directories you have to change the directory access mode to ‘read and write (rw)’ using command: remount rw
#remount rw
#cp /sdcard/libsec-ril.so /system/lib
#remount ro
Syntax: mv [options] source dest
#mv /system/lib/libsec-ril.so /sdcard/backup
Syntax: chmod [-R] mode[,mode] …. file
#chmod 0644 /system/lib/libsec-ril.so
Syntax: rm [options] file
#rm /system/lib/libsec-ril.so
4. Install application
You can use adb to install aplication from your local drive into phone.
Syntax: adb install appname.apk
D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb install D:\AnReboot.apk
5. Copy files from phone to local drive
Syntax: adb pull source [destination]
D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb pull /sdcard/arm11-dvm.zip
D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb pull /sdcard/arm11-dvm.zip D:
6. Copy files from local drive to phone
Syntax: adb push source destination
D:\android-sdk-windows\tools\adb push D:\AnReboot.apk /sdcard
adb get-serialno
adb devices
adb reboot
adb reboot bootloader
adb reboot recovery
adb logcat
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb shell cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address
adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo
adb install//比如:adb install baidu.apk
adb install -r//比如:adb install -r baidu.apk
adb install -s// 比如:adb install -s baidu.apk
adb uninstall//比如:adb uninstall com.baidu.search
adb uninstall -k//比如:adb uninstall -k com.baidu.search
adb shell am start -n/.
adb shell top
adb shell top -m 6
adb shell top -n 1
adb shell procrank
adb shell kill [pid]
adb shell ps
adb shell ps -x [PID]
adb shell service list
adb shell cat /proc/meminfo
adb shell cat /proc/iomem
adb remount
adb push
adb pull
adb shell ls
adb shell cd
adb shell rename path/oldfilename path/newfilename
adb shell rm /system/avi.apk
adb shell rm -r
adb shell mv path/file newpath/file
adb shell chmod 777 /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
adb shell mkdir path/foldelname
adb shell cat
adb shell cat /data/misc/wifi/*.conf
adb logcat -c
adb bugreport
adb shell cat /system/build.prop
adb help
adb shell monkey -v -p your.package.name 500